General Website Requirements:
- IE8+ / FF29+ /
Opera 12+ / Dophin
- Minimum display resolution: 1024x768, or else incurs
- javascript: only for minor optional effects, not
- active-x/plug-in: none
Photo Hosting Site (HD slideshow & thumbnail gallery):
- IE9+ / FF29+ /
Opera 12+ / Dophin
- Flash 11.x, or HTML 5 support
My Album Default Settings:
- starts in slideshow mode, can switch to gallery mode
- fullscreen mode: OFF, click icon to enable (highly
- high resolution mode: ON, drop down "Slideshow," to
uncheck box
- slide period: 8 seconds, not changeable by user
- background music: disabled
How To...
- mouse move triggers command bar with icons +
film strip
- toggle Fullscreen icon
- deactivate Fullscreen to reveal menu bar
- dropdown "Slideshow" to switch to Gallery mode,
- to uncheck "high resolution" checkbox
- dropdown "Actions" to download entire album
- while in gallery mode, you can download image,
comment, share
- Mobile devices are auto-detected & routed to
touch site
- Best view with true fullscreen mode 1080p HD
- Looks great on
large screen HDTV 42"+
- Disable auto-rotate on phone/tablet, so that you can
optionally manually rotate